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nachovidalmegaways| [New breakthrough! Cinda Biopharmaceutical Dabtan Macau was approved, opening a new chapter in targeted treatment of cholangiocarcinoma]

Dabotan, a cholangiocarcinoma treatment developed by Cinda Biopharmaceuticals, has been approved to be marketed in Macao, China.NachovidalmegawaysThis marks a new market opportunity for the drug]

April 22ndNachovidalmegawaysCinda Biopharmaceuticals released an important news: its bile duct cancer treatment drug Dabotan has been approved by the Drug Administration of Macao, China. The indications of this drug are adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic cholangiocarcinoma with FGFR2 fusion or rearrangement after systemic treatment.

nachovidalmegaways| [New breakthrough! Cinda Biopharmaceutical Dabtan Macau was approved, opening a new chapter in targeted treatment of cholangiocarcinoma]

The approved listing not only provides new treatment options for these patients, but also marks a new breakthrough for Cinda Biopharmaceuticals in the treatment of cholangiocarcinoma.

As a targeted therapeutic drug, Dabotan inhibits the growth and spread of tumor cells by inhibiting the activity of FGFR2 protein in tumor cells. The marketing of this drug is expected to bring more effective treatment for patients with cholangiocarcinoma.

Cinda Biopharmaceuticals said that the company will continue to develop innovative drugs to meet the needs of more patients. At the same time, the company will also actively promote the application of the drug in other regions, with a view to bringing hope to more cholangiocarcinoma patients around the world.

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